CCA Chair

John Dennis, your next chair of chairs!

Many of you know me for my campaigns running against Nancy Pelosi. It has been my pleasure and honor to represent the Party in non-Republican San Francisco!

I’m a lifelong Republican and have been involved with the SFGOP and CAGOP for 15 years. Aside from running for office, I’ve volunteered and worked on campaigns, knocked doors and cold called to help our candidates do their best.

The County Chairmen’s Association core mission is to help county chairmen and chairwomen succeed. Let’s get it back on track.


Mission & Vision

A functioning, supportive County Chairmen’s Association that shares what’s working and what isn’t, helps members learn from each other and helps build strong committees and operations for a better Republican Party and a more Republican, better, California.

Voter registration subcommittee

Learn the strategies and tactics of successful counties and report to CCA members. Build a network of experts who can help our counties succeed.

Branding subcommittee

Fill the void, as noticed by several county chairs. Develop branding statewide and by region. Request funding from the CRP for branding projects.

Funds Swapping

Develop a federal/state funds swapping mechanism.

Better Communication

Improve/develop communication between county chairs by developing our newly formed Slack channel. Find and develop other communication tools to share information.

Engage with Regional Vice Chairs.

Request that Regional Vice Chairs attend CCA meetings, participate on subcommittees, contribute to communication channels.

Doorhanger Program

Restart the doorhanger program.

New Chairman Training

Develop and execute a new chairman training program.


Unify the county chairs.


What Noteable People Are Saying About John Dennis

About John Dennis

Meet The Future Chair

Chairman John Dennis of San Francisco County was born in Jersey City in public housing. A student body president in college, he was a founding employee and then partner in office ergonomic and seating leader Humanscale. He has worked in tech and has been a successful real estate developer/investor for over 20 years.

The video of him standing up to a yellow shirted Antifa thug who “wanted (him) dead” has been viewed 3.3 million times on Twitter and was retweeted by President Trump.

John, his wife Heather and daughter Devan live in the Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco in a house for all intents and purposes owned by their dog Augie.

The County Chairman’s Association by laws state the objective of the organization is to help California Republican county chairwomen and chairmen in areas like in increasing registration, getting out the vote, recruiting candidates. This is what I and my executive committee will do. Our focus will be to help chairs succeed, and in the process make California a more Republican state, a better state. - John

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